Thursday, May 26, 2011

36 weeks 4 days

So as of today I am 36 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I will be full term on Monday! I went to the doctor this morning and had to have a routine bacteria test done. Hopefully that will come back negative. If the test comes back positive they will put me on an antibiotic once I go into labor and treat the baby as well. Seeing that I have so many antibiotic allergies that may be a difficult task or one that won't be too enjoyable for me so lets just hope its negative.  While at the doctor I did find out that I am officially getting closer to delivery (which I could have told you) yet have nothing concrete to report as far as how close. I am 60% effaced and 1/2 centimeter dilated. My doctor seemed a bit surprised by this but said it's all in good timing and nothing to really worry about. She said I am farther along than expected but she still couldn't tell me if I would deliver earlier than my due date or right on time. As far as stomach measurements things have slowed down a bit. I am measuring exactly 36 centimeters which is on track for a normal pregnancy but smaller than excepted based on my passed measurements. So basically, we are playing the waiting game for the next three weeks.

While I was at the office I had a contraction that the doctor observed. She was shocked with my reaction to it because I didn't even flinch. I am not super woman and have an extremely high pain tolerance it just didn't hurt. I have been having contractions like that for a few days now so maybe I am just blowing them off as being normal. Don't get me wrong, they are uncomfortable because of the pressure and the muscle aches they cause but they do not hurt. I did have a few contractions on Tuesday that I can honestly say hurt. I was extremely uncomfortable with them but keep telling myself they will only get worse so that I am not being naive. They were just a small taste of what is to come.

I am ready to be done being pregnant. I want to get back to normal. I want to join my teens in a rousing game of whipped cream whiffle ball on Sunday and not have to sit back and just watch. I would love to go on a bike ride with my hubby. I want to sleep without pain. I want to bend over and not feel out of breath instantly.  But I don't want any of those things so bad that I cannot wait for her to be ready to come. Though my patience is wearing thin, I am willing to wait it out until the timing is right. I will have all of those things back very soon along with a wonderful baby and happy family.

36 weeks 2 days 

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