Sunday, March 20, 2011

27 weeks

I will start my 27th week of pregnancy tomorrow. That means the start of my third trimester. How crazy is that? I only have 13 weeks left. Not a whole lot has changed pregnancy wise since my last post. I did have my glucose test on Thursday which was definitely not fun but was not nearly as bad as I had expected. The nurse warned me that she tried to drink one of the nasty syrup-like orange drinks the other day because she gave up soda for lent and was not making it very well without the sugar and in her opinion it was "scusting" (I think she meant disgusting). I drank the drink and then was sent out for an hour to kill time until I could have the blood work done. I walked target for 40 minutes or so and then I started to feel a little woozy so I decided to go sit in my car and relax until I could go back to the lab. I am glad I actually got to go walk around instead of sitting still in the awkward waiting room of the lab office. I don't have the results yet which makes me thing they must not have been bad. I have another prenatal appointment on Wednesday afternoon and hopefully I will find out the actual results of the glucose test then. I am pretty sure this weeks appointment is my last appointment before they change to every two weeks instead of every four. The only new thing I have noticed with this past week of pregnancy is more round ligament pain. If I didn't know better I would think I did 100 sit ups this afternoon.

Tim and I leave for VA on Thursday morning. Tim has a very big test for graduation on Friday afternoon so that is the main reason we are heading south. We will be going to my parents Thursday night to drop the dogs off so they can keep them during Tim's test then heading back to Lynchburg for Tims test Friday. After his test we will make the journey two and a half hours or so back to my parents house. Saturday we will be going to a family friends house for a baby shower with some friends and family back home and then we will probably go to revival service at the church I grew up in. Sunday we will go to church again and then as soon as church is over we will drive the eight hours back to PA. I am hoping the long car rides won't be too hard on me seeing that I have had some issues with cramping up if I don't change positions often. Though the weekend is pretty well booked I am very excited to go home and see my family and friends.

The weather here in PA has been starting to change just a slight bit. The past few days we have been fluctuating between 40s to the 60s. I know thats a wide range but this bipolar state cannot decide what it wants to be; winter or spring.  As a matter of fact there is supposed to be snow Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I am glad we will be leaving for VA if it does snow. Today was particularly nice so Tim and I decided to go out and take some pictures. Tim had fun playing photographer and taking some pictures to document my current belly. Though the pictures look like it, I really do not have an outie belly button. It has changed shapes but is not popping out completely. Hopefully as the weather gets warmer we can get out more often and take more pictures!

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